Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Best Friend

When things are tough.  It's nice to know that I have a best friend to help me through.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Traveling, at the speed of...

Life is funny.
You can prepare for certain things as much as you like and yet when it's time to actually perform... The situation is nothing like you thought it would be.
My wife and I traveled to CA over the weekend for a buddy's wedding.  We brought our son along.
This was the first trip since he was 6 months old.  So in actuality, this was also his first trip as noise-maker, walker, and potential disturber of the peace.

Our Goal:  World Peace (Or, keeping him from crying... which is just as impossible to achieve)
So that he wouldn't fuss too much, our goal was to make the airplane flight as fun and "distracting as possible."

MVP: My wife.
She packed all the right goodies.  Snacks, toys and books.  Lots of books.
John Wooden once said, "Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out."
Thanks to my wife, our little boy was an angel on both trips.  
He played and read all the way from Colorado to California.  Never tried to escape our row.  On the way home, he played (ran around) in the terminal so hard that he spent most of the flight asleep on my wife's lap.
It was like we hit the lottery. 

I guess distractions and exercise worked this time.  This time.
My only advice is to bring lots of things that keep a child interested.  Food, Toys, Bottle caps, straws, etc.  I think you have to be committed to not sleeping and entertaining the whole time.  It can be hard, but it's the only way.

How do you do it?