Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Why do I Waste my Time?

I got to my desk with an abundance of energy. Ready to not only tackle the day, but rip it's heart out..  And then it happened, while checking the news feed, I noticed a headline for the “13 Most Depressing Movie Endings of All-Time.”
Game. Set. Match.

I proceeded to click the link and delve into their list. 35 minutes later, I had 4 new browser windows open, hadn't thought of starting work... and was frankly less energized and eager to do so. My procrastination/time wasting had sucked the life and ambition out of me.
Does this ever happen to Mark Cuban?
Does he know the ending of the Wicker Man made the “Most Depressing” list?

Sadly, this was a pattern I had repeated over and over in my life. Wasting 30 minutes here or there... Actions that cause me to be late for work or meetings. Actions that limit my time to perfect a project I am working on.
But why? Why do I keep dong this to myself?
Does Drew Brees procrastinate?

By definition a procrastinator is someone who puts off doing things – that should be done in a timely manner. I am not really a good example of this, as I turn in work before deadline, pay my bills on time and get my Christmas shopping done before December 24th. Sure I am five minutes late here and there... But as a minority, isn't that what we do? That was a joke.
What isn't' funny is the guilt I feel after I waste 30 minutes on a website that has no value to my everyday life.
A La the “Most Depressing” list.

Am I wrong to rake myself over the coals? Aren't we supposed to love life and live it to the fullest without regrets? Well, I am not there. I seem to live with regret for not fulfilling each and every item on my list of goals. Is that realistic?
Surely, Donald Trump, President Obama and even Oprah have had their series of time wasting clicks. How do they overcome them?

Maybe I can google it. Wait... “8th Grader throws down insane dunk.”
I'll get to it later.

If you want to read more on the subject. Here are a few articles to get you started:
Why we procrastinate – Psychology Today
Famous Procrastinators –

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