Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A night owl takes the early shift

"Sleep is OVERRATED."
- Tim Miles

Hi all,
Today's post is about a topic that all parents face.  Getting up early with the baby.
Here's something I haven't even told my wife.  I hate getting up early.
Ask around.  I am the guy who can sleep all day long if allowed.
But when our son was born, I couldn't be this guy anymore.
Something in me switched.  I wanted to be a morning person.
In our case, Les works nights so I knew that eventually I would need to get up with the baby so that she could sleep in a little.

Here's the problem with that.  After 18 months, I am still a zombie in the morning.
Despite months of trying to recondition myself, I still have trouble being a "morning person."
I just can't get to bed early.  Last night was a great example of the Martin household dilemma.
Les gets home around 11:15 pm and wakes me from my semi-slumber.  We talk and connect for the first real time (and only time) of the day.  It's something that we need to do as a married couple.
But in the end, I don't get to bed 'til after 12 midnight.

By 6:30 am, when the baby rustles... I didn't get enough sleep.
Go to bed earlier?  Well remember, the kiddo gets to sleep around 8-8:30, which leaves me 2 1/2 or so hours before Les comes home.
I need my Frankie time too...

Some solutions I have found.
-> Suck it up.  So you're tired.  Deal with it.
-> Nap when you can.  Some days when Les gets up, I head right back to bed for a power nap before work.  It's like 15 minutes.  But it helps.
-> Work out.  I have started stretching and doing mini-yoga in the morning.  When the blood starts to flow, I feel more awake.
->  Get to bed earlier.  I have found that if I at least wind down in bed around 9:45 pm, I feel better in the morning.  My sleep is still interrupted, but at least I get some sleep.

What would you do?

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