Thursday, July 21, 2011

What the ????

So we breached an interesting time in child raising the other day.
The hear and repeat stage.
Our little guy has a penchant for talking.  At 18 months, he knew over 80 words.
That's awesome when you day dream about your child being the future President of the United States...
But the talent is not so great when... say... you're stuck in traffic or can't get a jar of spaghetti sauce to open.

Case in point:  The other day my wife told me that our little one overheard her say the word "Heck"
As in, my wife backing out of a parking stall and the person behind her not giving her enough room.

Wife: "What the heck lady???"
Son: "Heck!"
Son: "HECK!"
And so on and so on...
Reminds me of the classic scene from Meet the Parents when Ben Stiller teaches the little kid, "A$$%!@e."

I am just glad it wasn't me who slipped up.

What words do you wish your kids didn't know?

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